Monday, September 24, 2012

First billboard

I haven't been into the most regular type of photography ending up on a billboard, but I sneaked in with this shot of one of the local riders, Jonatan Sirén. We went to the first ski resort on our lapland shooting tour and it got me totally by surprise. It wasn't the last one we saw though.

Here's the billboard

And here's the original, with out the pizza...

Pocket Wizard photo contest

I got third in an international photo contest by Pocket Wizard.
Pocket Wizard creates the Cadillacs of flash triggers - one of the most essential part of my equipment.

Here's the shot featuring Konna Tervonen.

What did Mark Wallace, member of the jury say?
"To me the beauty of this shot is the strong shapes and high contrast. I love how the photographer used strong back light to create strong silhouetted lines on the concrete structure. The use of cool colors in the background helps us understand the winter scene. The snowboarder is lit and shot to fit within the overall structure of the rest of the image. It's a beautiful shot."